Living with chronic urticaria is not easy. Our life becomes a hell for us and our loved ones. Physically, the rash limits us in our everyday life. Especially when the crisis attacks our face. It is no longer possible to make commitments and be sure to keep them. When the crisis hits and you have to cancel, declare yourself sick, find an excuse… Our self-esteem, our confidence, our optimism are declining and we are gradually becoming isolated. So it becomes important to give ourselves the right to improve our quality of life.
What aspects can we work on:
1. Becoming aware and believing certain facts about chronic urticaria
This condition is not permanent in most cases. On average, chronic urticaria resolve within 6 months to 3 years.
It is rare for a chronic urticaria attack to cause a serious reaction that would be at risk for our survival. However, it is advisable to go to the hospital if our respiratory functions are impaired.
There are treatments available and if your doctor needs help and resources to support you, many dermatologists and immunologists have the necessary knowledge that they share with our association.
Don’t be discouraged, there are several treatments to try and new treatments are being studied.
2. Release our stress and tension
Practicing yoga, tai chi, breathing and meditation exercises can help us better manage our stress.
Moderate exercise such as walking, snowshoeing, skating, stretching, dancing, etc…are opportunities to ease our tension.
Put in place sleep management. This aspect of our lives needs attention. Despite hives we need to find sleep. A routine ranging from waking up time to our periods of exercise and relaxation promotes sleep despite our urticarian situation.
3. Thinking Positively
Give yourself an improvement goal within your reach. Do it and share it with a trusted group. (Urticariens or another support group of your choice)
See the highlights of your day and share them to make yourself feel better.
4. Socialise
Building strong relationships with friends, family and community can be beneficial to health; participating in social groups as well.
Volunteering, giving an hour of your time to someone who needs it often brings out the positive of our day.
5. Taking care of yourself
Regular medical examinations, dentists, chiropractors, hairdressers, etc. are positive actions that help us keep the focus on improving our quality of life.